
Seeking health in today’s information-flooded world can be a daunting process, particularly when one is seeking health as defined by the origin of the word itself – to be whole, sound and well.

The roots of herbal medicine worldwide go back thousands of years, yet hold up well to modern day scrutiny. As technology improves we are now able to understand the complex dynamics at work when plant medicine is utilized. The results of these studies and clinical trials point again and again to not only the efficacy of these remedies but often to the comparatively low side effects. These are primarily nontoxic, gentle approaches that work to rebalance a body out of sync.

As a modern day herbalist and health practitioner my job is to serve as a reliable, competent and informed guide. I sift through fact and fiction to create a protocol and program that is tailored to the individual on their unique journey toward optimal health, integrating mind, body, and spirit (with the most up-to-date, appropriate program possible). This holistic approach engages the body’s own health/balance systems, looking at what’s happening in the individual body, the dynamic and energetic of the imbalance and at the appropriate herb, nutrient, diet, essential oil, homeopathic remedy, mind set or other healing agent.

I create an individualized holistic protocol designed to support, tonify, and increase overall body functions and encourage optimal health. This protocol includes:

  • Suggestions and education targeting areas of complaint or that need extra support
  • Stress management suggestions, including breath work, meditation techniques, stretching, yoga, tai chi, or qi gong
  • A personalized diet and supplement program
  • Instructions and tips for proper hydration
  • An exercise plan
  • A personalized herbal formula
  • Continued supervision and support as the protocol is implemented

The times we live in make it ever more clear that health on a personal level and on a planetary level are closely bound. Attempts to heal one without the other can only go so far. As we as individuals drop the veil of ill health we reveal more clearly our life’s purpose bringing us closer a joyful purpose driven life and to the possibility of peace on earth.

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